The conference will be held on 18-19 September 2025 at University of Genova, and will focus on the latest advances in 3Rs research.
The meeting is organised by young researchers for young researchers. As such, we aim at:
► inspiring new ideas to move towards the future of biotech and biomedical sciences;
► promoting networking and collaboration among different research fields, contributing to the growth of 3Rs in basic, applied and translation science;
► emphasizing the great opportunity offered by application of the 3Rs to different fields of research.
In line with the vision of Centro 3R, we expect that participants will share novel ideas, new data, exciting discoveries, and future perspectives through oral and poster presentations, highlighitng the pivotal role of young researchers in 3Rs.
The Conference will be hosted by the University of Genoa, Aula 5H, Stradone di Sant'Agostino, 37.